As an RV technician, I am often asked how to keep mice out of an RV. People have shared many theories with me: peppermint oil, Irish Spring soap, scented dryer sheets, mothballs, ultrasonic deterrents, ginger or garlic, stray cats, lavender-scented candles, mouse traps, you name it. (The theory being that mice generally hate strong, pungent smells). And I often must admit, “I don’t know.”
How to Keep Mice Out of Your RV
It’s not that I haven’t heard the theories. I’ve even heard some of the more outlandish ones, like dousing items in hot sauce or pepper spray, or my personal favorite, wiping down your RV floors and counters with ammonia because the strong, sour scent vaguely smells like a predator’s urine. Hey, it might work. But then again, now your RV smells like urine??
Natural wellness websites denounce traditional baits, poisons, and mouse traps as inhumane; essential oil companies trumpet the power of peppermint, garlic, and cloves. Forums have two ideas for every person. Who’s correct? I’ve read a lot of marketing material, but I haven’t seen a lot of double-blind representative sample studies. The jury is still out.
- Clean up all food, soaps, candles, etc.
- Store all food in thick airtight containers.
- Cover the RV with a full-size cover.
- Seal large underbelly holes with stainless steel wool and/or spray foam.
- Store the RV inside a warehouse-style building.
- Choose your preferred anti-mice scent: lavender, ammonia, vinegar, cayenne pepper, red cedar, camphor, peppermint, cloves, garlic, eucalyptus, or cinnamon. Let me know how it goes!
- If all else fails, adopt a hungry cat.
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