Uh Oh! Is Your Freshwater Tank Filling When You’re Hooked Up to City Water?

You likely sussed out the problem thanks to a drip, drip, drip sound coming from the bottom of your RV. “Is that … my freshwater tank?” you wondered. “Why would my tank be full?” Sure enough, the water was leaking out of the tank overflow vent. You double-checked your water connection and bypass valve orientation. Yup, everything was correct. “So …. why is my tank filling up when I’m connected to city water?”

Good question. This is a somewhat common affliction for many full-time RVers. It can have multiple causes. Let’s round up the usual suspects and see which one might be culpable in your case.

Technically, this picture shows a freshwater tank being emptied through the regular drain valve, but you get the idea!

P.S. Not all tank overflow tubes exit below the subfloor. Some overflow tubes exit through a sidewall vent. Take note of which one you have!

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