Our Blog
Furnace Failing? Here’s How to Tell if the Motor Is to Blame
RV furnace motors are scapegoats. They are often blamed for problems not at all their fault. Many a motor has been replaced by a well-meaning DIYer only to discover that a sail switch, circuit board, or cracked fuse was the true culprit. And since the average RV furnace motor costs around $150, that’s a painful…
Have Mice Invaded Your RV? Have You Tried Peeing In It?
As an RV technician, I am often asked how to keep mice out of an RV. People have shared many theories with me: peppermint oil, Irish Spring soap, scented dryer sheets, mothballs, ultrasonic deterrents, ginger or garlic, stray cats, lavender-scented candles, mouse traps, you name it. (The theory being that mice generally hate strong, pungent…
Part 3: What RV Technicians Wish They Could Tell Their Customers
Welcome to my mini “Behind the Scenes” series on choosing a mobile RV repair technician! As a practicing RV tech myself, I hope this series educates and empowers you. Feel free to leave a comment sharing what you’ve learned with other RV owners. And on behalf of all independent techs, thank you for supporting us! To…
Part 2: What’s a Fair Price for Mobile RV Service Labor and Parts?
Welcome to my mini “Behind the Scenes” series on choosing a mobile RV repair technician! As a practicing RV tech myself, I hope this series educates and empowers you. Feel free to leave a comment sharing what you’ve learned with other RV owners. And on behalf of all independent techs, thank you for supporting us!…
Part 1: How to Choose a Good RV Mobile Technician (And Weed Out the Bad Ones)
Welcome to my mini “Behind the Scenes” series on choosing a mobile RV repair technician! As a practicing RV tech myself, I hope this series educates and empowers you. Feel free to leave a comment sharing what you’ve learned with other RV owners. And on behalf of all independent techs, thank you for supporting us! To…
How You Can Stop Trailer Sway (Without Buying a New Vehicle)
Let’s assume that last week, while traveling back from your favorite fishing hole, you experienced trailer sway (aka fishtailing) with your beloved trailer. You are now unnerved (understandably), and after spending 15 minutes today swirling around the Google vortex, you have learned that your tow vehicle – a Toyota Sequoia – is not the ideal…
Top 12 RV Awning Fabric DIY Installation Mistakes
This is not a step-by-step tutorial on how to install new RV awning fabric. That is a subject best watched, not read. I encourage you to visit the land of YouTube and watch a DIY awning fabric installation video by The RV Geeks, AZ Expert, Tough Top Awnings, or an RV owner/influencer. Every awning is…
Uh Oh! Is Your Freshwater Tank Filling When You’re Hooked Up to City Water?
You likely sussed out the problem thanks to a drip, drip, drip sound coming from the bottom of your RV. “Is that … my freshwater tank?” you wondered. “Why would my tank be full?” Sure enough, the water was leaking out of the tank overflow vent. You double-checked your water connection and bypass valve orientation.…
The RV Timed Gas Pressure Drop Test: What It Is And Why You Need One
If RV technicians had a Top 40 list, a timed pressure drop test would certainly be a recurring hit. If you’ve ever hired a mobile RV tech to repair or replace a gas-fired appliance, then you’ve likely paid for a pressure drop test. In fact, many technicians conduct a gas leak test anytime a gas-tight…
Deep Dive: The Difference Between Gas Heat and Electric Heat in an RV
What’s the difference between “gas heat” and “electric heat” in an RV? You’ve probably seen these terms scrolling through the modes in your digital wall thermostat. You might also have a setting for “heat pump.” On an analog thermostat, these modes are likely different positions on the linear selector switch. Unfortunately, these terms probably don’t…